winter weather

Winter Weather Forecast
Winter Weather Forecast
Winter Weather Forecast
Was last year's winter in Central Texas a little too cold for your liking? Tough luck, because the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (i.e. the government's weather guys) just released its predictions for the 2014-15 winter, and it looks like it's going to be a cold and wet one.
Snowmageddon 2.0
Snowmageddon 2.0
Snowmageddon 2.0
According to the National Weather Service, there’s a good chance we’ll see some sleet and possibly some snow tonight. You know what that means: The end of the world. Okay, so that's a little melodramatic, but temperatures could dip as low as 22 degrees in areas of central Texas, and the national weather service expects a sleet/snow mix to fall...