8 More Bands That Represent Texas Proudly
Everything is bigger in Texas... and the amount of bands & musicians from the Lone Star is just enormous.
Some bands make it huge, others become cult classics. Here are some bands you've probably heard or maybe you never knew were from Texas.
Post Profit (Longview): The four piece rock band from Longview is a nice blend of early 2000's Chevelle & Deftones songs. Formed in 2017, 2022 proved to be a good year for the band as "Smother!" proved to be the single that help propel the band to gain more popularity for a bigger audience.
Rozy (Houston): The band Rozy formed in Houston proves that girls can rock out too. Formed by Molly & Zoe Flores in 2011, the two sisters have been involved with music since the ages of 10 & 11. A decade later, they're proving they still have chops when it comes to play & that they rock.
The Black Angels (Austin): Formed in 2004, the psychedelic rock band from Austin, The Black Angels, have been keeping the notion that rock is not dead in 2023. It's still kept very much alive & they've been proving that for nearly 20 years.
Frozen Soul (Ft Worth/Dallas): When you think of Texas metal, plenty of bands come to mind. For those who like truly HEAVY & brutal metal, fans of the genre would definitely appreciate the Fort Worth/Dallas band, Frozen Soul. They've been around since 2018 but they're proving that not only are things BIGGER in Texas, but they can be HEAVIER too... MUCH heavier.
And while we're talking about Texas metal...
Fit For a King (Tyler): Metal fans would also appreciate the metalcore band from Tyler, Fit For A King. Since 2007, FFaK has been a favorite for metalheads & with the release of The Hell We Create last October, they're continuing to impress fans.
OddFellas (Pampa): If you want just straight rock n roll with a taste of blues rock, Pampa's OddFelllas might be for you. They've been a smaller band around the Texas circuit but the band has been gaining a dedicated following for a while now.
Lesser Care (El Paso): And wrapping up this list, of course I had to mention a few bands from El Paso. The first being the alternative rock band Lesser Care. They've been gaining some huge momentum with performing around Texas & the US last year. I won't be surprised if they become a breakout band in the future with their dedicated fanbase
The 1-800 (El Paso): Last year was a stellar year for the pop rock band The 1-800. Their song "Lovewave" became a huge sensation on Tik Tok & Instagram; while their song "This Might Be It" got a boost of popularity used by Porsche's official IG page. Neverthless, the rock band was formed right in the Sun City, El Paso & they have a lot more planned for the future.
Here's to these all of these bands for proving that Texas rocks & will continue to rock for a long time.