More Funny Valentines From Central Texas
Last year, we tried our hand at making Valentine's Day cards specifically tailored to Central Texans. We could have left it alone. Maybe we should have left it alone. But we couldn't resist! Here's the 2017 batch, and below you'll find last year's. How did we do? If you have fun ideas for Central Texas Valentine's Day cards, let us see 'em!
Remember when you were in elementary school and during class you had to make Valentine's cards for your classmates? Well, I never got one then and I still don't get any now, so this year the goal was to spread the love rather than expect it.
I asked some of our romantic staffers (Aaron and Q) to help come up with funny Valentine's Day cards inspired by living in the Killeen/Temple area and we got some great ones ranging from Blue Bell ice cream, heart-shaped steaks and punny puns. Check them out, share them on social media with your partner, or even save them for next year.
Happy Singles Awareness Day (SAD)!
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