Adopt-A-Beach Art Contest is Open
George P. Bush has announced he's looking for art from our kids.
Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush is calling for entries in the 22nd Annual Adopt-A-Beach "Treasures of the Texas Coast" Children's Art Contest.
Commissioner Bush stated that "The 'Treasures of the Texas Coast' Children's Art Contest is a great opportunity for kids across the Lone Star State to learn about the coast and express their appreciation for its natural beauty and exotic wildlife in a creative manner. As a father and a former educator, I encourage parents and teachers to inspire students to participate. Open to students in grades K-6 across Texas, this contest motivates thousands of young artists each year."
The deadline to enter is Thursday, March 1st, 2018. This year's grand prize winner will receive two round-trip coach-class tickets from United Airlines to any United destination in the 48 contiguous United States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico, as well as the Caribbean, one 7-night Caribbean cruise from Royal Caribbean International departing out of Galveston, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Port Canaveral, or Puerto Rico, and a class party at Schlitterbahn Waterpark in New Braunfels.
The grand prize winner's teacher will also receive two round-trip coach-class tickets from United Airlines, and one 7-night Caribbean cruise courtesy of Royal Caribbean International.
10 winners will be chosen from each grade level categories of Kindergarten, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. Then one grand prize winner will be chosen from the 40 finalist. All 40 winners will receive a ticket to the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi, a ticket to the Houston Zoo, two all-day passes to Shclitterbahn Waterpark in New Braunfels, a certificate of recognition and prizes from the Texas General Land Office, also, a calendar displaying the winning artwork.
Parental release forms may be printed from he land office website at Texas Adopt A Beach dot Org.
For more information and contest guidelines on the "Treasures of the Texas Coast" 2018 Children's Art Contest, please contact the General Land Office at 1-877-TXCOAST or visit our website at TexasAdoptABeach.org. Like us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TexasAdoptABeach or follow us on Twitter @TXAdoptABeach.