Jolana is a 20+ year TV and radio broadcasting veteran who absolutely love skiing, sailing, & scuba diving. The arts and photography also play a role in her life when she's not on the air or writing articles for Townsquare Media.
Jolana Miller
Disturbing Reasons These Seven Popular Foods Are Banned Outside the United States
Will you eat or drink these again?
Is Running Out of Gas Technically Illegal?
Four weird, obscure driving laws.
Please Turn On This Crucial Phone Safety Feature
Your phone tracks your habits so it knows when something abnormal happens.
Ten States You Don’t Have to Wear a Seat Belt in the Back Seat
The driver pays the price where it is the law.
Top Five ‘Is It Weird to…’ Questions We Google
Would you judge someone for doing these group activities alone?
Saying One of These Nine Phrases Daily Means You’re Emotionally Intelligent
Are you emotionally intelligent?
Death by Black Licorice: A Halloween Candy Reminder After a Man Dies
It only takes four vines to cause minor issues.
Old Person Smell: You Know It When You Smell It… So What Is it?
Sniff, sniff, the nose knows.
Don’t Forget to Whisper This Word Twice on the First Day of the Month
It's a quick and easy superstition to embrace.