Texas is Always Ranked With the Best Cities in America, but What About the Smaller Ones!?
If there's anything Texans don't appreciate it's those from outside our state passing judgment on us. I'm not saying that we see ourselves as above even the most constructive criticism. What I'm saying is that your attempts at ranking which cities in Texas are better than others don't matter to how we feel about ourselves and other cities.
There's a lot of hometown pride here. You can feel it every Friday night under the stadium lights. Naturally, our view of other places tends to be cloudy.
Also, such lists as the one published by Forbes tend to get it wrong. They only look at life in the larger metropolises and forget an area such as Bell County has hundreds of thousands of people. We may not be in the millions, and in a state where bigger is often construed for better, but we think we are just as unique and authentically Texan. And this applies to other areas just as much: you're not going to get as awesome of a kolache in Houston as you are at the Czech Stop in West. And the great things you find in Austin, like barbecue, you'll find in Belton at Miller's Smokehouse or in Salado at Johnny's.
Temple has been named "THE top city to move to and start over" in America. Check the video out for yourself.
The article does point out that many Texans view San Antonio with fondness. I think this is true given the Alamo being there. That's ground zero for Texas pride. Also, the people in San Antonio are salt of the earth. Carol Burnett is from there, that's all I need to know! Dallas and Houston are too big for many, and Austin is getting that way in addition to it's weirdness, which is fully embraced by the folks there and I find it charming… but I understand why others may find it off-putting.
Regardless, we know one thing: there's room enough in Texas for anybody who wants to live here and share our values. So many communities have so much to offer. I'm proud to be a transplanted Texan.
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