Easter Sunday Drive Thru Crawfish Boil At Chief’s In Killeen
This pandemic has made it hard for us to get back together and have a good time as one but we can give you the comfort of enjoying your Easter Sunday with your loved ones with an Easter Sunday tradition where I'm from: Enjoying boiled crawfish.
That's why this Easter Sunday, our friends at Chief's Sports Grill are teaming up once again with Toupsie's Crawfish and Catering in Lampasas for a special "Drive-Thru" Crawfish Boil.
Keeping your health and safety in mind, all you have to do is pull up and get a plate at Chief's located at 806 Atlas Avenue beginning at 3:00 PM until all the crawdaddies are gone for $12 a plate. Then get back home and enjoy those delicious and juicy crawfish with the family. Melz On The MIC will be your "virtual host" for this event.
And of course Chief's is open all weekend long for To-Go curbside pickup, carryout and delivery orders by calling them at 254-699-2299 Friday & Saturday from 5PM-10PM, and Sunday from 5PM-9PM. Like Chief's on Facebook and ask about the daily specials and family meal options.
Have a safe and healthy Easter with your family and don't forget to stop by and pick up some crawdaddies this weekend!
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