Food Truck Frenzy Every 4th Saturday in Downtown Temple
Over the last few years, we've all been ditching conventional sit-down restaurants and gravitating more towards the smells of delicious food and unique creations in food trucks.
If you're a fan of food trucks, then make your way out to Downtown Temple each and every 4th Saturday of the Month for The Food Truck Frenzy! Food Truck Vendors from all over Central Texas and beyond will meet up in Downtown's Temple Square where you can have plenty of options to choose from and discover what maybe a new favorite of yours. The First Food Truck Frenzy of 2017 will be Jan. 28th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Admission is free and open to the public, but the food won't be free, so bring some money to support these small business owners! And if you have a food truck and would like to be a part of the "frenzy" contact Sherri Street at 254-298-5378 or you can visit their EventBrite page to sign up!