Get Your Tickets Now for Bloomin’ Fest Before Price Goes Up
Not only is tomorrow the start of a new month,it's also the day that prices go up on tickets to Bloomin Fest.
Great times will be had by all May 15th & 16th in downtown Temple. It's the 10th Anniversary of Bloomin' Fest, this year brought to you by HEB.
Not only will there be plenty of Arts & Craft Vendors, but also Food Trucks, and of course
the price goes up May 1st.
Ice Cold Beverages. Perfect to feed and re-hydrate you after you go on all the exciting carnival rides.
And of course, both Friday and Saturday Night the air will be full of music with two stages of fantastic entertainment for both the Country and Tejano crowds. But to enjoy these two days of fun a little more you need to get your tickets today, because the price goes up May 1st. Get yours online, or at any Cefco Store.