Harker Heights Offering Family Fun This Summer
Looking for entertainment for the kids this summer? Harker Heights Parks and Rec's got you covered!
The Carl Levin Outdoor Pool in Harker Heights is having a teen pool party for kids ages 12-17. The age restriction is going to be enforced, and no younger siblings will be allowed access. Standard rates of the pool will still be in effect in order to gain admission.
Of course, the younger kids and parents won't be left hanging. Film & Food Fridays will be held every third Friday of the month and will go from June-September. They'll take place at the Carl Levin Amphitheater at 400 Miller's Crossing. There'll be numerous food trucks around for great eats and drinks. The food trucks open at 8:00 p.m., and the free movie will begin at 8;30 p.m. The first Film and Food Friday event will take place on June 16th, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory will be the feature that night.
For more information on these family fun activities for the summer, email devans@ci.harker-heights.tx.us, visit http://www.ci.harker-heights.tx.us/index.php/programs-a-events/special-events or call 254.953.5466.
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