Harker Heights Police Set Up Holiday Shopping Command Center
Alex Cano with KWTX got this great shot of one of the mobile command centers set up by Harker Heights police for the weekend of Black Friday.
It's the ninth year they have set up an extra presence near busy shopping centers to help with traffic and to keep an extra set of eyes on parking lots and busy shopping centers. The Harker Heights police say they will continue the mobile command as we get closer to Christmas. We sure do wanna thank the Harker Heights Police for all they do to keep the community safe. Plenty of thieves are out on Black Friday and it's nice to know there are extra officers on hand to take them away.
The officers walk various stores and talk to store employees/shoppers as the mobile command unit travels to different high traffic areas. KWTX reports the businesses say they are thrilled by the additional presence during the busy season. With all the crazy stories we hear throughout the year about people being followed out of big box stores by people they don't know, it's nice to have the extra officers during a time when people may have extra spending to do.
The city of Killeen also has its officers out with a mobile command set up between Walmart and Kohls this Saturday and Sunday. If you see them tell them Happy Holidays and thanks for their service.
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