6 Ways to Make Sure Your Child is Prepared for Kindergarten in Texas
These days, parents may want to consider taking extra steps to make sure their kids are ready for Kindergarten in Texas.
As we have heard, the world is ever more competitive. And so, giving your kid a little extra prep can make a huge difference when they enter school for the first time.
Personal story...
When I was a kid, I loved school. Not that every single day I was chomping at the bit to hop out of bed at 5:30 am in the morning, or that I loved every single aspect of it. But for the most part, I enjoyed school and, thankfully, did pretty well.
It's not that I was the smartest kid on earth because that certainly wasn't the case. At the same time, my parents did things to prepare for school, even though they may not have even realized it at the time.
These days, many parents are looking for ways to prepare their children as best they can so they're ready to succeed in school from Day 1.

My parents were actually rather laid-back when it came to school. They wanted my sister and I to do well, but they weren't the types to watch like a hawk to make sure our homework was done, or that we were in bed at 9 pm sharp. They were a little 'boho' in some ways, which we loved.
At the same time, they read to us from very early ages and encouraged us to read, draw, and sing. Music was a big thing at our house.
I remember my Dad would show us movies that would educate us in concepts that were frankly beyond our years--including Shakespeare, for Pete's sake. And although at the time we didn't always fully comprehend, it did plant seeds of interest in such things. We would tinker on pianos and guitars, and had long family conversations, even from a young age.
I feel strongly that their efforts, intentional or not, helped shape my sister and me into kids who thought learning was fun. We became more curious and learned to read earlier than we would've otherwise.
But it all began when we were very young--as early as 3. I feel quite fortunate in that regard.
Everyone prepares their kids in different ways to begin school. If you'd like to take steps to prepare your kid for Kindergarten in Texas, I think you'll find these 6 ideas from Dr. Cara Goodwin, PhD fascinating. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and mother to four children.
Here are some ways she suggests may help prepare your kid for Kindergarten in Texas:
6 Ways to Make Sure Your Child is Prepared for Kindergarten
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