Newbies to Texas in for a Rude Awakening if They Don’t Learn 1 Thing
There is, and always will be, an intense rivalry between Texas and California. The rivalry exists in our politics, how each state's economies are run and even between certain professional sports teams. It's a bit lighter on the wallet to live in Texas compared to California where you need to be a multi-millionaire to live comfortably. Californians also have a hard time grasping things we consider perfectly normal here. One thing in particular is extremely foreign to a Californian and will be insulted by it, our manners. It's the one thing a Californian, or any new transplant needs to learn, without question, before or after moving here.
Texas Living
Anyone who is native Texas, like myself, knows there is a certain respect given to others around us. One of those others is law enforcement. We know the extremely difficult job they have keeping us safe every day. We also have a huge respect for our military and military veterans. We know the difficult job they endure protecting our country and the brothers and sisters they lost doing it. We have a huge respect for our elders. There is a knowledge and wisdom they can pass down to us on a daily basis to make us a better person.
I mentioned manners in the opening paragraph. I'll be completely honest here, if you run across someone who doesn't have any, or the best, manners, they are most likely not from here. Every morning I stop at QuikTrip in Lindale for my morning coke refill as I'm heading to the station. As I'm walking in or out, and there is someone else going in or out, doesn't matter if it's a man or woman, we hold the door for each other. That's a perfect example of manners.
What You, the Texas Transplant, Needs to Learn About Our Manners
When we say "yes ma'am" or "no sir", we are not calling you old, which many of you believe. We are simply replying to you in a respectful manner. When we hold a door open for you, like I described above, we don't believe you're incapable of operating a door, we consider it being polite and helpful. When we wave at you, that is our "thank you" because we can't say it or in a spot where you won't be able to hear it. A simple wave back is the "you're welcome."
That's It.
Learn that our manners are not an insult. They are a symbol of respect for each other in our neck of the woods. Learn it and embrace it, it will make your transition here so much better.
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