For the third time in just a few weeks, a wild mountain lion was seen wandering a neighborhood in North Texas. This time, Plano residents were graced by its presence as it spookily meandered by a Ring doorbell camera.

I Ain't Lion!

The sighting, according to Chron, happened just after two in the morning as this nocturnal cat walked in front of someone's house, presumably hunting for food.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Chron continued to note that the first recent sighting was in an RV park in Lake Dallas. Side note: Lake Dallas is NOT in fact a lake located in Dallas... pfft, I knew that... Anyways, the second sighting was just a few days later as one was seen outside of a house in Frisco.

Luckily, all sightings so far have occurred at night, and none of them resulted in any human interaction.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Urban Wildlife Biologist Sam Kieschnick is under the assumption that these three sightings are simply of the same cat.

Mountain Lions in Texas

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you view it, mountain lions (AKA pumas, panthers or cougars) are solitary animals that prefer seclusion and are active at nighttime, so they are often difficult to spot.

Kittens are raised primarily by their mothers who leave their young for hours at a time hunting for food. When the kittens are old enough, between one to two years old, they begin to hunt on their own and search for a new home to start their own litter.

TPWD encourages Texans who encounter mountain lions to stay calm, pick up small children or animals, DO NOT turn your back on the lion, lock eyes as you back away until you are out of eyesight.

You should not aggravate the lion, but if it becomes hostile towards you, find any rocks or sticks and start chucking them while speaking loudly and raising your arms to look bigger... no, seriously.

Lastly, TPWD warns Texans to fight back if a lion attacks you. Apparently, they can be driven off if you pose too much of a struggle to take down. Even children have driven off a mountain lion attack by retaliating.

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