Remember when you were a kid and whether you were playing outside or inside, at some point in the late afternoon or early evening you'd hear that popular music coming down the street? The ice cream truck was on its way and all the kids were excited. Who didn't love the ice cream truck?

In 2024, the ice cream van is still popular, and one couple has taken it a step further. An ice cream boat. And it's making waves.

The idea of an ice cream boat came to Ryan and Brittney Stirpe last year when they were at Lake Conroe enjoying a hot summer's day at the lake. The idea came to them as many great ideas come to people. Just talking. According to Texas Highways, the couple was talking about the heat and how it would be nice to have some ice cream. As they were looking out at the lake Brittney said, "It would be even cooler if an ice cream boat pulled up right now.'”

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The couple did some research and learned that there are such things as ice cream boats in Florida and Michigan, but not any in Texas. That is until this year when the couple launched, The Original Conroe Ice Cream Boat.

The Original Conroe Ice Cream Boat
Conroe Ice Cream Boat via Facebook

Just like its land cousin, the ice cream boat sells packaged ice cream treats, sodas, and other snacks. The ice cream boat is a 20-foot pontoon boat that stops all around Lake Conroe. That means docks, boats, parks, wherever the boat can get to. Customers can even track where the ice cream boat is on the lake via a live tracker.

And according to Texas Highways, yes, they do play music including the same ice cream song you would hear from the ice cream truck.

That immediate response from the community is why Lake Conroe visitors are likely to hear that familiar ice cream melody, along with bouts of Taylor Swift and classic rock, playing near their shores for the foreseeable future. “When you pull up to a dock or a cove and someone says, ‘Oh, I heard about you from such and such or I saw you on social media,’ that’s really boosting our spirits to know the good news is spreading,” Brittney says.

I think this is a great idea and probably one we will see spread to other popular lakes around Texas.

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