It's pretty clear when you walk into any store on November 1st that the holiday season is here. And with all of that holiday decor comes the holiday treats too! Here's a look at some goodies that you only see on store shelves during the Christmas season.

How long do holiday-themed treats stay on grocery store shelves?

A quick Google search reveals that most stores put holiday treats out several weeks ahead of the holiday. So, they're usually on shelves for about a month or so. As soon as the day is done though, off they go.

READ MORE: Store Open (and Closed) on Thanksgiving Day 2024

These are some of the classic holiday treats we look forward to grabbing around the holidays.

Classic Christmas Candies We Look Forward To Every Year

Here's a look at some goodies that you only see on store shelves during the Christmas season.

Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman

What happens to unsold holiday candy and treats?

Today reports that unsold holiday candy is sent to discount stores, food pantries, or in most cases, if the store has purchased them they can stay on shelves for discounted prices. Big retailers like Walmart, Target, Walgreen's and others typically sell out of the leftover candy stock after the price cuts.

READ MORE: The Toys Topping Kids' Christmas Wishlists in 2024

Grocery stores aren't the only places with fun holiday foods to try this year. There are a number of fast food chains getting in the spirit with festive new menu items too!

15 New Menu Items Coming to Fast Food Chains for Holidays

From sandwiches served on pickles to turducken burritos, here are what some of the most popular fast food joints are serving up in the coming months.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

If you have yet to do your Thanksgiving grocery shopping, make sure you run through this list of most left behind items. It's your reminder to now forget these essentials.

7 Most Forgotten Thanksgiving Shopping List Items According to a Former Grocery Store Worker

I spent several years working at a small town grocery store on Thanksgiving Day. Here is what people most often ran in to get at the last minute before their big meal.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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