It is said that, "Beauty is pain," but I truly do not believe the good people of Texas want to go through any kind of tangible torture just for the sake of keeping up appearances. No matter what your bed time routine, you definitely want to check your labels and make sure you did not recently put this, "Lotion in the basket."

Read More: Fatal Fruit Warning: New Potentially Deadly Recall For Texas

Product recalls are a way of life because if you think people make mistakes, you should consider all of the ones our machinery makes too. The good news is our awareness and technology are at all time highs, and what used to take weeks and months to recognize as a major health risk are calculated daily.

Popular Cosmetic Now Recalled In Texas For Massive Contamination Scare


This is pretty much what I see when I look in the mirror, so the recall for First Aid Beauty will not affect my night time ritual, but if you do use Ultra Repair Cream, you need to check the labels for lot numbers 24D44 and 24D45 with expiration for April 10th or 11th in 2026. The FDA has listed this as a Level 2 recall, so it is elevated and urgent.

Definitely Do Not Put This Lotion In The Basket

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This product is distributed nationwide at all the major cosmetics retailers, so do not isolate the spreading of this important information to just your friends and family in Texas.

Read More: Warning: New 10 Million Pound Meat Recall In Texas

LOOK: 50 Beloved Retail Chains That No Longer Exist

Stacker takes a look at 50 major retail chains that no longer exist and the reasons for their demise.  

Gallery Credit: Madison Troyer

Big Brands Closing Locations in 2024

Here is a look at some of our favorite big brands that will be closing locations in an effort to stop losing money at stores that are underperforming.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

Taste Of Texas: Texas Restaurant Chains With The Most Locations

Many iconic (and delicious) restaurant chains got their start in Texas. Here's a look at Texas eateries with over 100 locations- some with over 1000!

Gallery Credit: Renee Raven