July 25th is National Hire A Veteran Day
Here is a 'National Day' that we could probably observe every calendar day of the year.
It's National Hire A Veteran Day!
July 25th is a day set aside for military men and woman who are leaving the service and are looking for civilian employment. Today (and any day) is a great day to consider veterans, who are highly trained and qualified workers, for a spot on your roster of superstars.
We are lucky enough to have these highly focused and motivated veterans among our staff here at the radio station. We can certainly agree the skills veterans gain in the military world transfer into the civilian work for almost any position in a number of fields.
Check out some of their amazing resumes and stories at www.hireourheroes.com. Veterans are doing great things in engineering, cybersecurity, sales, marketing, finance, healthcare, and just about any skilled trade. Now through Veterans Day, you can get a huge discount and unlimited job posts with the code "Hire a Vet".
If you share this information on social media today be sure to use the #HireAVeteranDay tag.