Keep Your Car Snow Storm Ready With These Helpful Tips
One word seems to strike fear in the hearts of many Texans and that word is...SNOW! Lubbock and the rest of the South Plains are expecting snow but with snow comes icy roads and dangerous driving conditions. There are some precautions we should take when it comes to our vehicles and being prepared for the dangerous conditions.
According to the Texas Department of Insurance there are many types of things we as drivers should do before snow hits. Such as ensuring that your tires are properly inflated because during extreme cold temperatures they can deflate due to the drop in temperatures. Check that your car’s fluids are at the right levels so you know that it is in top shape and you won't have to worry about antifreeze levels or if you need an oil change.
Along with physical checks of the outside of the car check your battery to ensure that it won't die in the middle of your snowy commute. Remove any snow from your vehicle so while you allow it to warm up it doesn't have to work as much due to the cold. Remember if you are going to warm up your vehicle to keep an eye on it to prevent any type of vehicle theft.
What about if something happens while you are driving? Well its always wise to keep cat litter or sand in your vehicle in case you need to drop some around your tires to gain traction on ice. Driving slow is also important to avoid any ice, or black ice, that could be on the roadways that could potentially cause a severe accident.
Always listen to your local meteorologists and if you are unsure of road conditions then you can go to DriveTexas.org to check your local road conditions.