Lottery Being Held for New Plots in Famous German Graveyard
If you'd love to be laid to rest in place full of history, good news.
When I was stationed in Germany, I took every opportunity I had to visit the local graveyards. World War II was a fascinating subject in school, since my Grandma's second husband was on of many who stormed the beaches of Normandy, so I was looking for graves of people who passed during that time. I always wondered if they new what was going on, or if they joined for better reasons. I was always disappointed that I never made it to Southern Germany. I would've loved to have visited Berchtesgaden.
AP is reporting a story from the German news agency DPA on how a picturesque 17th century graveyard in Berchtesgaden is adding 200 plots.
Yes, that is the same Berchtesgaden in Bavarian Alps that Hitler hung out in. Well, that history aside, people have requested plots for years and they kept getting turned down. Now the graveyard has decided to hold a lottery for the 200 new plots to make it fair for all of those who applied. So far it seems that 280 people have applied.
Prices vary from 490 to 760 euros, or $570 to $890. The person buying the lot has to be German, so hopefully you've got a relative you can ask to help you.