New Texas House Legislation Could Repeal State ‘Blue Laws’
State Rep. Richard Pena Raymond of Laredo is introducing House Bill 1100. This bill specifically calls for the repeal of "blue laws" in order for liquor stores to open on Sunday. Under the new bill stores who wish to open to do so from Noon to 10 PM on Sundays in Texas. Raymond told CBSAustin, "Allowing Sunday sales in Texas is long overdue. I’ve heard from many constituents – including small business owners – who have asked me to file this bill to let the free market be free. Now is the time for Texas to repeal this outdated law."
It turns out that 42 other states allow for alcohol sales on Sunday. Bars, restaurants, clubs, grocery, convenience stores, and hotels are already allowed to sell on Sundays. The original law was meant to stop people from day drinking an entire Sunday away and instead, to get their butts to church or to spend the day resting
Texas' only remaining blue laws apply to liquor stores and car dealers. However, it wasn't that long ago that dozens of other stores were forced to close on Sundays.
Did you know there used to be all kinds of things you couldn't buy on a Sunday? The list included kitchen utensils, stoves, refrigerators, air conditioners, radios, TVs, cameras, watches, clocks, luggage, and even musical instruments.
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