NICU Grandpa is Stealing Hearts, and Cuddles
With all the horrid news we definitely need a feel good to get us through the day. David who is now known as The NICU Grandpa describes it as the best job he has ever had. Many of David's friends don't understand why David takes out some much time throughout the week to go hold, cuddle, and sing to babies too small to leave the hospital. NICU Grandpa claims he gets more out of it than the babies do, regardless of getting pee'd and thrown up on.
Logan was born at 25 weeks and was not able to go home as soon as his parents had hoped. Logan's mom drives two hours each day to hold her baby boy. One day she walked in and met NICU Grandpa, he was holding baby Logan and she instantly felt a sense of relief. Logan's mom normally walks into see her son in an incubator. David plans to continue helping out anyway he can. NICU Grandpa is a blessing to so many families. WE LOVE YOU NICU GRANDPA!
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