Is it Legal to Park Your Semi Truck in Your Neighborhood in Texas?
While I have never been a truck driver, I have a lot of respect for those that are driving truck for a living. It’s pretty simple we wouldn’t have all of the nice stuff that we have without truck drivers bringing it to our local stores so we can purchase these items. Often times truckers are dealing with not-so-great road conditions, but they continue on with the journey because they have a job to do. But I’ve always wondered, is it legal to park your semi-truck in your neighborhood in the state of Texas?
I know of a few different spots around town that semi-trucks are parked when they are not in use. I wasn’t sure if truckers did that because their semi was too big to park outside of their homes, or if there was a Texas law that made it illegal to park in a residential neighborhood. But as I started doing some research there seems to be a little bit of a gray area when it comes to parking semi-trucks.

No Texas Laws Against It
According to RC Truck Stop, here in Texas, you are allowed to park your semi-truck in your driveway if that is what you want to do. There are no state laws that say that you can’t, but you will want to check on local ordinances or homeowners' association guidelines because you could still get a fine for parking a semi in a residential area if it goes against their guidelines.
Let’s Support the Truckers
Let’s hope that homeowners' associations and local ordinances would work with truckers to make sure there are no fines issues if a semi is parked in a way that violates an ordinance. If you’re looking for places to park your semi-truck in East Texas here are some locations to use.