PICS: Beautiful Oenaville House in Ruins Was Once A Central Texas Rite of Passage
If you grew in Troy or the Temple area, chances are the older kids took you to this supposedly haunted house as a rite of passage. Now it's a pile of rubble.
Let's look at what it was like before it came tumbling down.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
PICS: Oenaville House in Ruins Was Once Central Texas Rite of Passage
When I was growing up in Troy, the older kids would talk about a creepy old house out in Oenaville. "It's haunted," they'd say, or "the owner was a serial killer who took out his whole family with an axe!"
Eventually, just about every kid would be driven out there by older friends and dared to go into the house. This usually happened around Halloween, but I remember being taken there in mid-summer. My memories from back then may be fuzzy, but you never forget a day spent fighting your way through a mountain of weeds and reeds in the stifling Texas heat.
I didn't believe for a second that the place was haunted, but I was nervous that night. What if there was a gang hiding out in there, or some sort of animal? What if I stepped on a rusty nail, or the house collapsed on me?
When I finally got inside, I wasn't scared - I was in awe. That was the moment I fell in love with old, abandoned structures out in the country.
Sadly, it looks like that old house at the corner of FM 438 and Oenaville Loop is no more than a pile of rubble now.
A colleague and I went back to that old house a few years ago to take some photos and learn a little more about the place, and because I'm feeling nostalgic, I decided to drive by it recently and see if the rumors of its collapse were true. Well, they are. I don't know when it happened, but I drove by recently to see if it was still standing. Unfortunately, it's not.
Before we look at what's left of the place, let's take a look back at what it was like in 2016.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.