Spring Forward This Saturday Before You Go To Bed
Set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night for Daylight Savings Time. "Spring Forward" so you're not late for church on Sunday.
Most clocks on cell phones and computers will take care of themselves. In fact, it's kinda cool to still have a clock you need to reset manually. Kinda like old times. It's the alarm clocks, ovens, microwaves, and car radios that can be missed the first day of the time change, so make sure you go around and manually update all of those.
The other important thing to remember about the time change is to check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. The National Fire Protection Association says three out of five of home fire fatalities occur in homes with no working smoke alarms.
Temple Fire & Rescue installs smoke alarms and batteries for people who are unable to buy them, or who need assistance with installation. There is no charge for this service. To schedule an appointment, dial 298-5682 during regular business hours.
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