I have probably watched this video over twenty times now. Texas Rapper, OG 2 Low, AKA Cedric White, was recently being interviewed on the Podcast One on One W/ Mike D. Just a little over 45 minutes into the interview the Houston native reached into his pocket, and he accidently shot his pistol. Luckily neither he nor anyone else in the study was injured.

Mike D's Reaction

First of all, whichever company made the headphones that Mike D is wearing needs to reach out for an endorsement deal immediately. The host barely reacted after the gun was fired, and his first question was, "Who shot who? Somebody got shot?" After making sure his french bulldog wasn't injured he followed that up with a joyful freestyle, "Only on the dirty third One on One W/ Mike D. I thought that N***** shot me".

OG 2 Low's Reaction

The reckless handling of firearms in no laughing matter. With that being said, I cannot stop laughing at the look on OG 2 Low's face. It's a mixture of surprise, embarrassment, and the fear that he may have actually shot himself. There's a moment when he is asked if he is okay and replies by saying he's not sure since he's heard that sometimes you don't actually feel it when you get shot.

The Takeaway

I am a firm supporter of the 2nd amendment, and I love that Texas instituted the constitutional carry law. As a law abiding citizen, I'm grateful that I can carry a weapon to protect myself and my family if I deem it necessary. That doesn't mean that everyone should do it if they don't have any training. Guns are dangerous. They were made with one purpose, and that was to kill.

Everyone on the set of this podcast was extremely lucky not to be injured or killed, and I hope that OG 2 Low can start taking gun safety more seriously following this experienc


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