Let's Rock: Texas Artists Who Dominated Guitar Hero GamesLet's Rock: Texas Artists Who Dominated Guitar Hero GamesGuitar Hero has always been a haven for Texas music. Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
These Texas Artists Have Given Some Amazing Christmas ClassicsThese Texas Artists Have Given Some Amazing Christmas ClassicsIf you want some Christmas classics done Texas style, here are some done by amazing Texas artists.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Two Texas Legends Crack Top 20 of Rolling Stones Best GuitaristsTwo Texas Legends Crack Top 20 of Rolling Stones Best GuitaristsYou'll never guess which two Texas shredders cracked the top 20 of Rolling Stones' 250 Best Guitarists list.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
The 5 Greatest Guitarists EVER Born or Bred in TexasThe 5 Greatest Guitarists EVER Born or Bred in TexasTry and guess who you think makes the TOP of this list of Texas guitar greats.NicoNico