Yuck! Airline Passenger Showered With Maggots From Overhead BinYuck! Airline Passenger Showered With Maggots From Overhead BinThe international flight was about two hours into its journey when it had to turn around. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
What Is The Best Weird Food Combo? Let Us Know!What Is The Best Weird Food Combo? Let Us Know!What are some odd or crazy food combinations that you use to make up your favorite snack?Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
What Thanksgiving Dish Are You Most Ungrateful For?What Thanksgiving Dish Are You Most Ungrateful For?Which dish do you pass along the table and avoid at all costs to end up on your plate? Vote below, if we missed one, add it and let us know!Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
NOPE!NOPE!If you're crazy enough to get this close to a pile of rattlesnakes and one of them gets angry and drags your camera into the pit, it belongs to them and you should just run.Aaron SavageAaron Savage