High school

Texas May Cut High School Cosmetology Classes
Texas May Cut High School Cosmetology Classes
Texas May Cut High School Cosmetology Classes
Have a son or daughter interested in going into Cosmetology? They may have to wait until after they graduate from high school to take classes for it. The Texas Tribune reports that the Texas Education Agency proved that courses in barbering, makeup, hairdressing, and skincare lead to students making between $21,000 and $30,000 average salary, which falls below the new CTE (Career Technical Educati
Undocumented Valedictorian
Undocumented Valedictorian
Undocumented Valedictorian
Texas Valedictorian Tweets She’s Undocumented, Sparks Backlash https://t.co/8dM3tDz9dj pic.twitter.com/Y9Ccxp7gK4 — BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) June 9, 2016 A Central Texas high school valedictorian with a 4.5 GPA and full-ride scholarship to the University of Texas has sparked outrage from some and praise from others after bragging of her undocumented immigration status on social media. Read Mo
Report Card Day
Report Card Day
Report Card Day
A new study which grades all public schools in the state has been released, and the results are not exactly what parents in central Texas want to see.

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