Most of the US is About to Be Inundated with Cicadas – Does Texas Have to Worry?Most of the US is About to Be Inundated with Cicadas – Does Texas Have to Worry?This year the US will start to see a historical emergence of cicadas. Lori CroffordLori Crofford
Some Swear They Can See a Body in this Abandoned Southern Indiana Apartment Building Being DemolishedSome Swear They Can See a Body in this Abandoned Southern Indiana Apartment Building Being DemolishedA photo of the demolition of an abandoned apartment building in southern Indiana has some swearing they see a body in a window.Eric MeierEric Meier
Central Indiana ‘Demon Home’ is So Terrifying, Some Paranormal Investigators Won’t Ever Go BackCentral Indiana ‘Demon Home’ is So Terrifying, Some Paranormal Investigators Won’t Ever Go BackI know what you're thinking and, no, it's not the Demon House from Netflix that's located in Gary. This house is in Hartford City.Leslie MorganLeslie Morgan
Legend of the Haunted Purple Head Bridge over the Wabash River Will Make You Shiver with FearLegend of the Haunted Purple Head Bridge over the Wabash River Will Make You Shiver with FearThe famous 'Wabash Cannonball' bridge goes by many names but has such an awful past that two of the names are terrifying, The Hangers Bridge and The Purple Head Bridge.Leslie MorganLeslie Morgan
Indiana Trail Cam Captures Strange and Haunting Image in Backyard – What Is It?Indiana Trail Cam Captures Strange and Haunting Image in Backyard – What Is It?This odd image came from a backyard cam from a residential neighborhood in Evansville, Indiana.Leslie MorganLeslie Morgan