Time’s Up In Texas, Will We Have To Stop Changing The Clocks Soon?Time’s Up In Texas, Will We Have To Stop Changing The Clocks Soon?One vote in the Texas House may have some excited at the thought of never having to adjust the clock at certain points in the year.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
8 Daily Routines to Live Your Life like a True Texan8 Daily Routines to Live Your Life like a True Texan In this parody video, a young man gives an account of his daily life as a Texan.Eric RyanEric Ryan
Baylor Studying Toxic Lake Belton Algae Found Last YearBaylor Studying Toxic Lake Belton Algae Found Last YearBlue-green algae found last year in the Brazos River is being tested to help find more info on how it is formed.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise