Texan Elected Officials Make Statements on Odessa ShootingTexan Elected Officials Make Statements on Odessa ShootingMultiple Texas political figures have made statements about Saturday's mass shooting in Odessa that left 6 dead.Luke MatsikLuke Matsik
Odessa Police: Multiple People Shot After Mail Truck HijackingOdessa Police: Multiple People Shot After Mail Truck HijackingPolice in Odessa report "multiple gunshot victims" after the hijacking of a mail truck.Aaron SavageAaron Savage
Texas Woman Rents 5 Year Old Daughter To Man For Sex Texas Woman Rents 5 Year Old Daughter To Man For Sex Shirley Harmon has been arrested for allowing a man to sexually assault her daughter in exchange for money while she looked the other way.Big OBig O
Disturbing & DisgustingDisturbing & DisgustingA Texas woman is accused of making three preteen girls steer her car while she drove drunk and exposing herself to them.Aaron SavageAaron Savage