Avoid Shopping at Costco During These Times at All CostsAvoid Shopping at Costco During These Times at All CostsUnless you like crowded aisles and a miserable shopping experience, you might want to avoid these days. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Warning: 10 Dollar Store Buys in Texas That Aren’t Worth ItWarning: 10 Dollar Store Buys in Texas That Aren’t Worth ItAre You Really Saving money when you shop at dollar stores? Not Really.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On Amazon15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On AmazonMaybe you'll want to think twice before buying these items next time. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
The Cheapest Grocery Store Chain Has 5 Locations In East TexasThe Cheapest Grocery Store Chain Has 5 Locations In East TexasSpend less money on groceries at this East Texas grocery store.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Avoid Shopping at Walmart This Day of the Week at All CostsAvoid Shopping at Walmart This Day of the Week at All CostsFind out the worst day to shop at Walmart and which days are the best when searching for the best selection of items. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
These 25 Malls In Texas Are Now Dead (And Gone)These 25 Malls In Texas Are Now Dead (And Gone)The mall of today is nothing like the mall of the 80s and 90s.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Why Every Texan Should Keep Paper Towels in Their Fridge All the TimeWhy Every Texan Should Keep Paper Towels in Their Fridge All the TimeI mean, this sounds like something one would do on accident. Well, it more certainly sounds like something I would do. I can't tell you how many times I've absent-mindedly put something in the refrigerator that didn't necessarily belong there.Tara HolleyTara Holley
10 Best Places in Texas for Black Friday Deals and Huge Savings10 Best Places in Texas for Black Friday Deals and Huge SavingsDiscover the top 10 places across Texas offering unbeatable Black Friday deals this year.Lori CroffordLori Crofford
TEXAS: The Days Around Thanksgiving Have Special MeaningsTEXAS: The Days Around Thanksgiving Have Special MeaningsKnowing what day is it around Thanksgiving could save you a lot of money.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Target Using 'Weirdly Hot' Santa to Lure Shoppers for HolidaysTarget Using 'Weirdly Hot' Santa to Lure Shoppers for HolidaysThis isn't your typical jolly ol' St. Nick who has a tummy that shakes like a bowlful of jelly with each laughRob CarrollRob Carroll