Every state in the United States has its own history, its own culture, and its own geography. Something that can help mash all of those cultural aspects into one pretty mashed potato is coming up with a State Motto.
It appears as though more Texans want access to medical marijuana, an issue that not all statewide Republicans agree on.
Across the United States, more and more states are approving the use of medical marijuana, while here in Texas, the use of marijuana for medical reasons continues to expand though not as quickly as some would like to see.
Senator Wendy Davis became an overnight sensation thanks to a marathon filibuster on Tuesday night, but one thing caught many people's eye as they watched the District 10 rep speak--her awesome pink sneakers.
Yesterday something pretty epic happened in the Texas state legislature. We know, already it is hard for you to believe, but we swear it's true. Senator Wendy Davis attempted a 13-hour filibuster to keep one of the most extreme anti-abortion bills in the United States from being voted into law. And this wasn't your average, everyday read-from-the-phone book filibuster, this was a Texas filibuster.
District 10 Senator Wendy Davis is in the midst of a 13-hour filibuster to stop passage of SB5, a controversial bill that supporters say would protect unborn children and opponents say would effectively dismantle women's health services in Texas. The measure passed the Texas House last week.