Temple Fire and Temple Police Departments to Compete in Boots Vs Badges
The friendly competition continues between Temple Fire and Temple Police, and it's all for a good cause.
The City of Temple Employee Wellness Program invites the public to participate in the 2017 Boots vs Badges #EndOfWatchBloodDrive.
If you don't like reading hashtags, like me, it's the End of Watch Blood Drive. There'll be two events. First, Tuesday, May 30th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at West Temple Park, which is at 121 Montpark Road. Then again on Wednesday, May 31st from Noon to 4 p.m. in the parking lot of City Hall at 2 North Main Street.
Now, the way this works is that for each unit of blood received, the donor will receive 1 point. Then the donor will chose who to give the point to - Boots, for the Fire Department or Badges for the Police Department. The department with the most points wins the blood drive.
For more information, or to sign up for the 2017 Boots Vs Badges #EndOfWatchBloodDrive, sign up here, or scan the QR code below. You can also contact City of Temple Wellness Coordinator Derek Newman at 254-298-5419.
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