Texas Ranks 3rd in US for Worst Drivers
In a story reported by WOAI in San Antonio, Texas has been ranked third in the United States for worst drivers. Alaska has the worst drivers, and New Mexico, Colorado, and Montana join Texas in the top 5. This information was compiled by carinsurancecomparison.com. The study found that almost 46% of all traffic deaths involving a driver have had alcohol involved. 27% of traffic deaths involve speeding. This will put Texas on that list for nine consecutive years!
In their study about the 10 states with the worst drivers, our researchers gathered data on each state for the five following categories:
- Death rate
- Failure to obey
- Careless driving
- Drunk driving
- Speeding
Let's take a look at accident stats in Victoria, here the data we have from October, thanks to the Victoria Police Department. We had 80 car accidents in October, that has led to four Accident 'hot spots' in Victoria, including North Navarro from Guy Grant to Loop 463, The downtown area around Rio Grande, the area of Ben Jordan near Liberty Academy(THE OLD VHS), and the stretch of Airline from John Stockabaur to Zac Lentz (Loop 463). The North Navarro portion features three of the most dangerous intersections in Victoria.
In case you haven't seen the below list, check out the most dangerous intersections in Victoria in data provided by the Victoria Police Department.
As an added safety measure on Navarro, construction on the median continues. As of right now, the median has been constructed to Salem Rd. The finished median will go all the way to Airline Rd.
Drive safe, Victoria.