5 Things You Never Want To Do With Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil is quite a handy tool around the kitchen. We use it around our house for a variety of things. It's great to wrap up leftover food, clean a pan, or roast veggies on the grill. We always seem to have plenty of foil on hand, at least 2-3 spools. It's indeed useful but there are also some things you should never do with aluminum foil.

In an article from Kitchn, a few no-nos are listed. While some may seem obvious, it never hurts to be reminded. Being aware can save you time and money - two things we all could use more of.
Don't Put It in the Microwave
This may seem like a no-brainer as nobody likes getting their zip zapped but here's your friendly reminder. Electromagnetic waves are unable to pass through metal, and instead, bounce off of it. This could cause quite the light show of sparks, start a fire, and damage your microwave oven.
Don't Use It to Line the Bottom of the Oven
I've been guilty of this one myself. It seems like an easy fix to line the bottom of your oven to catch all of those pesky drips and spills. However, most manufacturers warn you not to do so because it could cause heat damage to your oven. Instead, use heavy-duty foil to line the rack under whatever you're baking.
Don't Use It to Keep Acidic Foods
Foods like tomatoes and some fruits that are high in acid can interact with aluminum and cause the foil to erode. Acidic foods are best kept in plastic wrap, ziplock bags, or glass containers.
Don't Bake Cookies on It
We've all had it happen at one time or another - cookie bottoms burnt to a crisp. Setting the cookies on foil is the main culprit. Try using parchment paper or a silicone liner.
Don't Throw It Away After One Use
You can actually reuse foil if it's not too crinkled and dirty. Just handwash. This is a great idea for short-term uses in the kitchen. You can also do your part by recycling.
I enjoy time in the kitchen as I do most of the cooking for my family. Learning tips and tricks like these has saved me some time, money, and a little heartache.
Aluminum foil is versatile and often used to prepare meals. That's important as Texans love their good food - prepared, cooked, and eaten with passion. Not just any food, however. Look below for top picks that define the Lone Star State.