Train Go Western in ‘Angel in Blue Jeans’ Video
Remember Danny Trejo, the hard-looking actor from movies like 'Spy Kids' and 'Machete'? Bet you'd never expect him to be front-and-center in a Train video, but that's exactly where he is in 'Angel in Blue Jeans' -- and this time, he's going against his usual typecast and is actually playing the good guy. (Train frontman Pat Monahan is the bad guy.)
The western-themed vid, which also features 'New Girl's' Hannah Simone as the "angel in blue jeans," depicts Trejo's character trying to save Simone's from the clutches of Monahan. And as expected in any western-themed vid, guns are drawn and violence abounds. But at the heart of the video is the love story of the song, which certainly lends itself to the western video with a haunting melody, a plucking guitar, and, of course, Monahan's distinct voice.
And speaking of Monahan, he thrived as the villain in the video.
"I think my face is really good at being a bad guy and it's great 'cause Danny, who usually is a bad guy, ends up being the hero, which is super cool," Monahan told Entertainment Tonight about the vid.
And as for Trejo, who lip syncs the majority of song's narrative, said he had to listen to the track 50 times to memorize it -- but he loves the tune.
"I drove everybody crazy with it, but thank God everybody likes the song. Now everybody’s singing it," he jokingly told ET. "This song is gonna be a hit, I'm telling you. Everybody's heard it. Low riders are all bumping it pretty loud!"
Watch Train's 'Angel in Blue Jeans' music video above!
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