Common Blood Pressure Medication Valsartan Recalled
The Food and Drug Administration is expanding the recall of a blood pressure medications containing the active ingredient valsartan.
Generic drugs containing the ingredient were recalled back in July, but the FDA has now issued a global recall of several common products with valsartan listed on the label.
The recall came after FDA researchers determined that some of these medications contained an impurity, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which is classified as a probable carcinogen.
On their website, the FDA listed important information for patients and healthcare providers, which we present verbatim below:
Information for Patients and Health Care Professionals
- Because valsartan is used in medicines to treat serious medical conditions, patients taking the recalled valsartan-containing medicines should continue taking their medicine until they have a replacement product.
- To determine whether a specific product has been recalled, patients should look at the drug name and company name on the label of their prescription bottle. If the information is not on the bottle, patients should contact the pharmacy that dispensed the medicine.
- If a patient is taking one of the recalled medicines listed below, they should follow the recall instructions provided by the specific company. This information will be posted to the FDA’s website.
- Patients should also contact their health care professional (the pharmacist who dispensed the medication or doctor who prescribed the medication) if their medicine is included in this recall to discuss their treatment, which may include another valsartan product not affected by this recall or an alternative treatment option.
The following companies have been included in the recall. Click the name of the company to see the full list of each company's recalled batches and what you should look for on labels and packaging. If you find your medication on the list, please contact the healthcare provider who prescribed it or the pharmacist you got it from for information on how to proceed.
For more information, visit https://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm613532.htm.
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