Veteran Struck With Asphalt Chunk Tossed from Overpass by Kids
Kids being kids can sometime cause injuries.
Sometimes doing something stupid in your youth can have a lasting effect on your life. This could be one of those times.
Fox4News is reporting that was hit in the chest from a piece of asphalt that was tossed off an overpass.
Raymond Mikeska was riding in a car on I-30 in Fort Worth when a piece of asphalt came through the window and struck him in the chest. His daughter, who was driving pulled over right away. She said she looked back and saw kids showing no remorse..."...they just walked off just as nonchalantly.They didn't run. They weren't afraid. It did not bother them."
The kids were lucky it didn't hit him in the head. Imagine killing someone because you did a quick stupid thing.
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