Amazing Texas Teen Goes Viral And Receives New Truck After Tornado Video
We all remember the tornado a couple of weeks ago that left some of our establishments and homes damaged and family members stunned and anxious. There was no way for us to predict that that tornado was going to cause so much havoc and chaos that quickly. Riley Leon, who is a 16-year-old child, was driving on his way home from a job interview and was suddenly caught in the storm. His truck was lifted from the ground and thrown around like a toy. I cannot imagine what was going through that young man’s mind flipping and tossing in the belly of an actual tornado.

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The tornado picked up Leon and the pickup truck that he was driving, and then laid him on the ground as if he was a chew toy that a dog was done playing with. Riley Leon says "it happened in a blink of an eye and everything just went fast". You would think after being in a tornado he would have to be rushed to the hospital, but bless this teenager's heart, he received minor bruises and the real victim who took a lot of blows would have been his pickup truck. Riley Leon’s event was recorded by a storm chaser by the name of Brian Emfinger and ended up receiving millions of views on Twitter and other social media.
The truck that was destroyed was in the family for decades and ended up being dented and scraped all over. The windows and rearview mirrors were blown out and gone. There was a donation of $15,000 made by Chevrolet to the Leon family due to the terrible incident. Riley did have some back issues because of the storm, and his teacher decided to start a GoFundMe account to cover the cost of medical bills. the goal was to exceed over $30,000 and it did, which is absolutely fantastic.
I know the Leon family is so happy that their child made it home, but now they have a brand new vehicle as well.
These storms are very dangerous, so when you hear about them make sure you follow the proper precautions and take them seriously. Not all of us can be as lucky as Riley.
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