Townsquare Staff
5 Easy Family Adventures to Get Kids Outside This Summer
Sometimes as adults, we need advice on how to get ourselves outside. Here are five seemingly obvious ways to get both you and your kids outside for adventures and enjoying it. And you might even build some memories while you're doing it.
5 Myths & Legends That Make Valentine’s Day Interesting
Every year we try to talk ourselves out of caring about Valentine’s Day and every year we give in to the fun of celebrating love.
How Many Calories Will Be in Your Thanksgiving Dinner?
Yes, we know your stomachs are still coping with all the Halloween candy you just ate. But believe it or not, Thanksgiving, the mother of all gluttonous holidays, is just a few short weeks away.
The Calorie Control Council tells us that the average American will consume 4,500 calories at Thanksgiving...
6 Strange and Wonderful Fourth of July Celebrations From All Over
Thursday is Independence Day, and cities and towns all across America will be celebrating in style—but not always in conventional fashion. Heck, not always in America either.
10 America-Themed Songs for the Fourth of July
American popular music has been around since before America even declared its independence. 'Yankee Doodle,' anyone? That classic was sung by Colonial American soldiers as early as the French and Indian War.
Here’s a list of 10 to add to your Fourth of July playlist: