Bee Cave Bob Predicts Early Spring for Texas

Tuesday, February 2 is Groundhog Day. While the rest of the nation typically turns to Punxsutawney Phil to see if spring will come early or we'll have more winter to wait through, Texans (of course) have to do our own thing.
We turn to Bee Cave Bob, an armadillo.
Sadly, the annual Armadillo Day festivities had to be cancelled this year due to health and safety reasons thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
KVUE-TV reports that while the Armadillo Day party was cancelled, Bee Cave Bob did make a prediction for the good people of the Lone Star State. Host Terry Boothe tells KVUE Bee Cave Bob has ruled that spring will come early this year.
Armadillo Day feels like a time-honored tradition by now, but it's actually only officially been around since 2012. Every year, Bee Cave Bob journeys from Katy to Terry Boothe's ranch in Bee Cave. He then emerges from a special stone cave, and if he sees his shadow, we're stuck with six more weeks of winter weather. If he doesn't, spring will arrive early.
Who determines if Bee Cave Bob sees his shadow? The Benevolent Knights of the Raccoon, of course. Who did you expect?
So, why an armadillo? Well, Texas doesn't have groundhogs, and the nine-banded armadillo was designated the Official Small Mammal of Texas in 1995. Plus armadillos are cooler than groundhogs and are a symbol of the grit of the Lone Star State.
So, Punxsutawney Phil will get all the national attention tomorrow, but we all know who the real authority on weather is. We love you, Bee Cave Bob!
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