It's almost Father's Day, thus time to dust off those good ol' "dad jokes" that were sent in by our West Texas dads (and some moms too). I do believe I am well-versed and well-experienced in the telling of dad jokes. I'm kind of a connoisseur.

Now that the kids are all out of the house, my dad jokes don't go over too well with my wife. So I thought instead of letting them go to waste, I'd share them with you, and maybe you could get a chuckle from your kiddos.

Before I get started, thank you to all our listeners who shared your jokes with us on the station's Facebook page. I will admit that I had to remove some of the dad jokes because they were not suitable for mixed company, with kids potentially scrolling our media pages.

A word of advice though, be careful how many of these you share with your spouse; they can tolerate only so much. Below are some of the listener-shared dad jokes. Enjoy.

From Kayla Williams:
Do you know where I store all my dad jokes? In the pun-try.

Do you think songbirds get mad at hummingbirds because they don’t know the words?

Why do bees have sticky hair? 'Cause they use a honeycomb.

If you get cold, it’s always best to stand in a corner since it’s hotter - it’s 90 degrees.

A lion would never play golf, but a tiger would.

From Kevin Brenek:
Every time I buy a gallon of milk at the grocery store, the cashier asks if I want the milk in a bag. I always tell them, "Nah, just leave it in the carton."

From Diane Treadwell:
Do you know what happens when a snowman throws a tantrum? He has a meltdown.

From Taylor Brooks:
Why is the calendar so sad? Because its days are numbered.

From Clay Carabajal:
A screwdriver walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Hey there, we have a drink named after you." The screwdriver says, “You have a drink named Steve?”

From Clarence Hart:
The waiter says to the dad, "Sir, you wanna box for those leftovers?" The dad smiles and says, "No, but I'll wrestle you for them."

From Tom Bradley:
Geology is one of the most important life lessons. You learn not to take everything for granite.

From Jon Julien:
Did you hear about the optometrist who fell into his lens-grinding machine? He made a spectacle out of himself.

From John Caswell:
What does a painter do when he gets cold? He puts on a second coat.

From Chris Villalobos:
How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? He gave her a ring.

LOOK: My Top Ten Greatest Hits Dad Jokes

It seems like every dad has a silly Dad Joke that they're known for. These are my Top 10 just in time for Father's day. Please feel free to share them with your family.
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