Grandpa Brandishes Gun in Texas School Parking Dispute
Sheesh! This rascal really wanted that parking spot. Watch until the end.
The gentleman in the video at the bottom of this article must have woken up on the wrong side of his Tempurpedic adjustable mattress.

The original poster of this video on Reddit described the scene as the following:
So this demented octogenarian f*ck showed up at my kid’s school and got mad over a parking spot… then proceeded to point a gun at a mother, then pistol whip random parents right up until they knocked his *ss out.
We're not doing this.
The video opens with a few folks standing around a car, and you can here one person clearly stating "we're not doing this, we're not going to yell at every person who pulls up here."
Don't tell ME what I can and can't do.
So the older gentleman gets out of his car and says "Come on big guy, take this" and starts trying to crack skulls at this point.
He's got a gun!
After a very brief dust-up, someone off-camera yells "He's got a gun!" And everyone starts running for their lives.
Things settle down for a few minutes until...
The grand finale
"Jean-Claude Old Man" starts throwing haymakers again. Then a very effeminate-sounding fella says "That's awesome, I got you for assault." All the while, the hero we need has been walking with purpose toward the man causing the ruckus. Old Man River tries to strike this fella and the younger man just pile-drives him to the ground while the others helplessly scream "HE'S GOT A GUN!" even after he has him on the ground.
Check out the video, I've attached some of the best comments from Twitter below.