Texas House Passes Sports Betting Legislation, Now What?

Is legalized sports betting coming to Texas?
The Texas House on Thursday passed legislation that would allow Texans to vote on whether or not the the Texas Constitution should be changed to allow for adults to bet online at places like Draft Kings and Fan Duel. The legislation needed a 2/3 majority to pass in the House and it passed with a vote of 101-42.
So what now? Well, now the really hard part. Getting the legislation passed in the Texas Senate. Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has already said he didn't believe the measure had the votes to pass in the Senate and wouldn't allow the Democrats to pass legislation.
As the Houston Chronicle reports, the Texas House passing sports betting will just pour fuel onto the movement that will continue is future sessions.
Still, gaming advocates say a show of support from the House could help move the needle in future sessions, even if the measures die in the Senate this time. If they somehow pass both chambers, voters will need to approve them in a statewide referendum before they can become law.
I do believe sports betting will arrive in Texas in the coming years. As for casinos? That appears to be a much bigger lift.