Let’s Celebrate, Whataburger Opened on This Day 72 Years Ago
Every state in the country has something that identifies it. That one unique thing you can say or do or show someone from anywhere else in the country and they'll instantly know where you're from. Here in Texas, we have several.

Yes, Texas is unique. There are several things you can say to someone around the country that will instantly identify you as a Texan. "Howdy Yawl", Buc-ee's are a couple or try this, just sing the opening to "The Stars at Night are Big and Bright" and see who in the room claps along.
"Texas Proud" is more than just a statement, it's a commitment. One more thing that will certainly do the trick is a Texans love of Whataburger. Ask a Texan what their favorite burger joint is and they'll tell you, Whataburger!
72 years ago today, August 8, 1950, what would become a true Texas favorite, Whataburger, opened and served it's fist burger on Ayers Street in Corpus Christi, Texas.
According to a Twitter post from the Texas Historical Commission, opening day brought in $50 in burgers, chips and drink sales.
Four days later they would just about triple that amount.
Happy Birthday Whataburger
Since 1950, Whataburger has gone from a stand alone burger shack to more than 890 locations across 14 states and still remains a Texas staple when it comes to fast food.
72 years and counting! Happy Birthday Whataburger!!!
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