MLK March Begins at 3PM in Downtown Temple
The Temple Daily Telegram has shared information about this afternoon's Martin Luther King JR March hosted by the Temple NAACP. The march will be taking place downtown at 3 p.m.
The Temple NAACP will observe Dr. King with the annual march through downtown today, beginning at the Temple Police Department at 209 E. Ave A.
The march will depart the police station and head for the Corinth Missionary Baptist Church on 10th street. Pastor UC Barnes will address the march before it continues on to the 8th street Baptist Church. The first 90 marchers in line will ring the bell at the church to celebrate the 90th anniversary of MLK's birthday.
This year's theme is "His works continue". Speakers at this year's march will include Pasto George Harrison of the First Baptist Church NBC inc, and Donna Bowling of Grace Presbyterian in Temple, as well as pastor Thom Lamb.