When A Crazy Biker Jumped The Rio Grande From El Paso To Juarez
No, he wasn't trying to flee the country .. just a man and his motorcycle having some fun.
Evel Knievel pulled off some amazing and potentially life ending stunts while setting a few distance records back in the day.
More contemporary lunatics like Robbie Maddison have since set new distance records.
Robbie wasn't happy just jumping forward over things. He had to raise the stakes and jump up ON to something ... and then jump, (fall??), back down off of it.
Which, I must admit, was pretty sick.
None of those guys ever actually, physically, jumped their motorcycle from one country to another like Eddie Weardon did back in 2009.
It took a lot of legal wrangling between the United States of America and Mexico to get this jump cleared but they were finally able to arrange it.
On June 27th, 2009, people and members of the media from both countries lined the banks on both sides of the Rio Grande, just below where ... at the time ... the Asarco factory ruins and smokestack still stood to watch Eddie sail from country to country. Literally, a "coast to coast" jump.
Courtney Nelson from KLAQ met Eddie down by the river that morning for a little pre-jump chat and a "teaser" jump. When he did it for real, he made it look easy.
Here it is again from a slightly different angle.
That was a fun morning. As far as I know, Eddie retired from jumping after that one. I'm not sure what some adrenaline junkie will come up with next.
A base jump off the tollway into Juarez maybe? Or a quick flight in one of those crazy wingsuits from the tollway, over Mexico and back into US air space?
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