Parents, You Need To Know About ISR Classes
Chances are you have read the devasting news about Country singer Granger Smith's son drowning. River, the precious 3-year-old passed away due to a tragic accident that happened in their family pool.
My heart breaks for the family and I am reminded how important ISR classes are. Last year I learned all about Infant Swimming Resource lessons. ISR was founded in 1966 and they give survival swimming lessons for infants and young children.
Kim Utley really wanted her kids to know what to do if they ever fell in a pool, so she researched and put her kids through the ISR classes even though it was a 170-mile round trip. She realized that she needed to be the one to bring the ISR classes to the East Texas area and hundreds of parents in East Texas are happy she did.
"We always talk about car seat safety, immunizations and so on. Water safety is just as important," said Kim Utley an ISR Instructor. According to the World Health Organization, drowning is the number one cause of unintentional death in the entire world, with over 372,000 drowning deaths reported every single year. In the U.S. 76% percent of drowning deaths involved children younger than 5 years old and 67% of swimming pool drowning deaths were children younger than 3 years old. "Children drowning has always been a serious issue. Unfortunately, a lot of the times it takes a death to start talking about water safety. Water safety should be a concern wherever you are, it only takes seconds for a child to be in serious danger." said Kim Utley. Parents, if you own a pool, or you are near large bodies of water, this is something to look into.